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BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien

BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien

De plus en plus de personnes optent pour une alimentation végétalienne, par exemple pour des raisons éthiques, écologiques ou de santé, et évitent tout produit contenant des ingrédients d'origine animale. De nombreux fabricants d'aliments pour sportifs remarquent cette demande croissante. Il existe désormais une large offre d'aliments sportifs végétaliens, des barres énergétiques aux gels en passant par les smoothies en poudre.

Avec le BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien, nous souhaitons te donner la possibilité de comparer directement quelques produits végétaliens de notre gamme et d'économiser un peu d'argent.

Le BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien contient les 7 articles suivants :

  • 1x Powerbar BIO TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Barre de Glucides (40 g - différents saveurs)
  • 1x MAURTEN Solid 160 Energy Bar - Barre de Glucides (55 g - différents saveurs)
  • 1x Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink - Boisson Instantanée (sachet de 50 ml - différents saveurs)
  • 1x Clif Bar - The Original Energy Bar - Barre de Glucides et de Protéines - (68 g - différents saveurs)
  • 1x GU Energy Gel avec Glucides (sachet de 32 g - différents saveurs)
  • 1x SPONSER High Energy Bar Salty+Nuts - Barre de Céréales (45 g)
  • 1x Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur - Coisson de Glucides (tube de 50 ml - différents saveurs)

Informations sur le produit :

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar

Tu veux remplir tes réserves, savoir exactement ce que tu manges et ne pas faire de compromis sur le goût ? Alors nous avons quelque chose pour toi : le TRUE Organic Oat Bar - avec un maximum de 6 ingrédients végétaux comme l'avoine, les dattes et les noix - le tout de la meilleure qualité bio. Il est climatiquement neutre et, selon la variété, fabriqué avec du cacao issu du commerce équitable - et vous est livré dans un film innovant sans plastique et compostable dans le jardin. Bon pour toi & bon pour la planète.

Utilisation : 1-2 barres/jour.

MAURTEN Solid 160 Energy Bar

Maurten Solid 160 est une source d'énergie en deux parties, à croquer, à base d'avoine et de riz - 1 paquet, 2 mini-barres. 40 grammes de glucides, répartis en portions égales de 20 grammes pour un apport optimal. Ton carburant de choix - rapide, léger, pauvre en fibres et riche en glucides.

Utilisation : Avant l'exercice : Solid 160 peut être utilisé avant l'exercice pour augmenter la quantité de glucides et maintenir un faible taux de fibres. C'est un excellent petit déjeuner avant la course ou une collation dans les jours précédant un grand objectif. Pendant le sport : Solid est un carburant idéal pour les séances d'endurance d'intensité faible à moyenne de plus de 2 heures. La barre aide à varier l'alimentation sans compromettre le taux d'absorption des glucides. Après le sport : les séances d'entraînement ou les courses difficiles doivent être récompensées. Solid est un excellent moyen de reconstituer rapidement les glucides.

Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink

Des glucides rapidement disponibles sous forme buvable. Le dextrose passe directement dans le sang et contribue ainsi à un approvisionnement rapide du corps en glucides.

Utilisation : Prendre 1/2 à 1 sachet de Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink selon les besoins.

Clif Bar The Original Energy Bar

Une nutrition performante. Et un goût exceptionnel. Que tu fasses une randonnée de 150 miles à vélo ou que tu explores un nouveau sentier de randonnée, cette barre énergétique est conçue pour soutenir ton aventure. Tous les produits proviennent exclusivement de la nature et sont issus de cultures respectueuses de l'environnement. C'est une équation assez simple : de bons aliments entrent - de bonnes performances sortent. Avec un mélange de céréales complètes, de protéines et de fibres, Clif Bar te donne une énergie durable pour que tu puisses aller jusqu'au bout de tes limites. Toutes les barres sont exemptes de graisses trans.

Utilisation : Pour des résultats optimaux, consomme CLIF Bar une à trois heures avant l'entraînement avec beaucoup d'eau. Tu éviteras ainsi la sensation de faim et fourniras l'énergie nécessaire aux muscles qui travaillent. Lors de randonnées plus longues et moins intenses, par exemple à pied ou à vélo, tu peux également prendre CLIF Bar pendant les séances afin de rassasier ta faim et de reconstituer tes réserves de glycogène. CLIF Bar est idéal comme collation ou pour reconstituer les réserves d'énergie après une journée fatigante.

GU Energy Gel

GU fournit aux athlètes une dose de 100 calories sous la forme d'un mélange breveté de glucides (70-80% de maltodextrine et 30-20% de fructose) pour fournir une énergie de haute qualité, facile à digérer et durable aux athlètes de tous niveaux et de tous sports. GU contient également des électrolytes qui assurent une hydratation adéquate, un mélange d'antioxydants qui préserve les tissus musculaires des dommages et un mélange d'acides aminés qui retarde la fatigue musculaire.

Utilisation : il est recommandé de consommer un gel 15 minutes avant l'effort, puis toutes les 45 minutes pendant l'entraînement. En outre, il convient de consommer 750 à 1000 ml de liquide par heure.

SPONSER High Energy Bar Salty+Nuts

Barre énergétique performante avec flocons d'avoine, cacahuètes et amandes. Goût salé. La barre de céréales idéale de haute qualité avec des glucides à chaîne courte, moyenne et longue pour un apport énergétique progressif ainsi que des flocons d'avoine riches en bêta-glucanes.

Utilisation : Pour fournir de l'énergie, consommer environ 1 heure avant et, selon l'intensité et la tolérance, également pendant l'effort. Il convient également comme snack au quotidien.

Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur

Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur est une source liquide hautement concentrée d'énergie durable, composée d'hydrates de carbone à chaîne courte et moyenne. Il est idéal pour les sports d'endurance qui nécessitent un apport énergétique continu. Enrichi en sodium et en potassium, il est rapidement absorbé par l'organisme. Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur est livré dans un tube pratique et refermable. Très facile à digérer. Généralement aussi en cas d'intolérance au fructose.

Utilisation : Liquid Energie Pur peut être pris non dilué, sans apport de liquide supplémentaire. Boire, selon l'effort, un 1/2 tube toutes les 20 minutes.

Remarque : Veuillez consulter les différents articles de notre boutique pour plus d'informations.

Ce produit doit être consommé dans le cadre d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée et en association avec un mode de vie sain. Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec.


Contenu de la livraison : 7 unités au total.

Fiche technique pour BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien

Nom de produit: BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien
Marque: Diverse
Numéro d’article: NON242356
Produit bio: Non
Activité: Nutrition
Type d’aliments: Glucide, Protéine, Caféine / guarana
Propriétés des aliments: Vegan, Végétarien, Offres à déguster
Goût: Sucré, Salé/épicé
Avant/pendant/après: Avant, Tandis que, Pendant
Type de boissons: Boisson prête à boire
Type d’alimentation sportive: Energy Gels, Traverse

Informations nutritionnelles pour"BIKE24 Assortiment de Végétalien"

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Salted Caramel (Caramel - Salé) - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), flavor, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin).

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 975,0 mg 312,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1172,0 mg 375,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47,0 mg 15,0 mg
L-Histidine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Caféine : 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Mandarin Orange - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), citric acid, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants [vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)], flavor, calcium carbonate, sea salt , flavoring, calcium carbonate, herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile, ginger extract], thickener (gellan gum, pectin), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), color (oleoresin capsicum).

Alergens: no

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 72,0 g 23,0 g
which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 431,0 mg 138,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 109,0 mg 35,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1172,0 mg 375,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47,0 mg 15,0 mg
L-Histidine 125 mg 40 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Caféine : 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Jet Blackberry (Cassis) - 2x caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), citric acid, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants [vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)], acids (citric, fumaric acid acid, malic acid), calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), herbs [chamomile, kola nut (caffeine), ginger], thickener (pectin)

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (325 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 78,0 g 25,0 g
which sugars 16,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 453,0 mg 113,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 109,0 mg 35,0 mg
Caffeine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1134,0 mg 363,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 41,0 mg 13,0 mg
L-Histidine 119,0 mg 38,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 178,0 mg 225,0 % 72,0 %
Vitamin E 59,0 mg 500,0 % 163,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Chocolate Outrage (chocolat) - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, unsweetened chocolate, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants (vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)), flavor, calcium carbonate, herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile, ginger extract], calcium chloride, acid (citric acid, malic acid), thickener (gellan gum, pectin), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), sea salt.

Alergens: no

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (425 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 5,0 g 1,5 g
which saturates 3,0 g 1,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 391,0 mg 125,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 266,0 mg 85,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 991,0 mg 317,0 mg
L-Valine 278,0 mg 89,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 41,0 mg 13,0 mg
L-Histidine 144,0 mg 46,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 178,0 mg 225,0 % 72,0 %
Vitamin E 59,0 mg 500,0 % 160,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Caféine : 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Tri Berry (fruit des bois) - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, flavorings, amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, green tea extract (caffeine-containing), thickener (gellan gum) , Potassium sorbate), sunflower oil.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
- which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 72,0 g 23,0 g
- which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 430,0 mg 138,0 mg
Potassium 94 mg 30 mg
Amino acids 1406 mg 450 mg
Caféine : 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Vanilla Bean - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, flavor, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), fumaric, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, cola nut (with caffeine), ginger], thickener (pectin)

Alergens: no

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (312 kcal) 425kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 15,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 172 mg 55 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Potassium 141,0 mg 45,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) 1406 mg 450 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % NRV* (100g) % NRV* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Caféine : 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur - Saveur - Pêche-Maracuja

Ingrédients : Water, maltodextrine, sucrose, sodium chloride, tripotassium citrate, preservative: potassium sorbate, flavouring, acidifier: citric acid.

Free from lactose and gluten.
Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional information per 100 ml 50 ml = 1 tube
calories 804 kJ/190 kcal 402 kJ/95 kcal
fat 0 g 0 g
of which saturated fat n.a. n.a.
carbohydrates 47,4 g 23,7 g
of which sugars 9.4 g 4.7 g
protein 0 g 0 g
salt 170 mg 85 mg
Nutritional information per 100 ml 50 ml = 1 tube
fibre 0 g 0 g
sodium 170 mg 85 mg
potassium 90 mg 45 mg

Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur - Saveur - Cerise

Ingrédients : Water, maltodextrin, trehalose *, sodium chloride, flavor, tripotassium citrate, preservative potassium sorbate, citric citric acid.
* Trehalose is a source of glucose

Free from lactose and gluten.
Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional information per 100 ml 50 ml = 1 tube
calories 804 kJ/190 kcal 402 kJ/95 kcal
fat 0 g 0 g
of which saturated fat n.a. n.a.
carbohydrates 47,4 g 23,7 g
of which sugars 9.4 g 4.7 g
protein 0 g 0 g
salt 170 mg 85 mg
Nutritional information per 100 ml 50 ml = 1 tube
fibre 0 g 0 g
sodium 170 mg 85 mg
potassium 90 mg 45 mg

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Strawberry Banana (Fraise Banane) - sans caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, flavorings, amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, green tea extract, acids (citric acid, apple acid), thickener (gellan gum), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) , dye (fruit juice, vegetable juice).

Alergens: no

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
- which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
- which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 430,0 mg 138,0 mg
Potassium 94 mg 30 mg
Amino acids 1406 mg 450 mg

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Espresso Love - 2x caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), natural coffee flavor, GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin).

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (425 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 78,0 g 25,0 g
which sugars 15,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 141,0 mg 45,0 mg
Caffeine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) 1406,0 mg 450 mg
L-Leucine n.a. n.a.
L-Valine n.a. n.a.
L-Isoleucine n.a. n.a.
L-Histidine n.a. n.a.
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Calcium n.a. 6,0 % 2,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Caféine : 40 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Lemon Sublime (Citron vert) - sans caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), calcium carbonate, sea salt, malic acid, natural lemon flavor, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) , citric acid, fumaric acid, GU Herbal Blend (chamomile, ginger), thickener (pectin).

Alergens: no

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 431,0 mg 138,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 94,0 mg 30,0 mg
Caffeine 0,0 g 0,0 g
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1172,0 mg 375,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47,0 mg 15,0 mg
L-Histidine 125 mg 40 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Campfire S'Mores (marshmallows grillés) - sans caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, cocoa mass, leucine, natural flavor, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, valine, isoleucine, gellan gum, sunflower oil, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative).

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 188 mg 60 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1203 mg 385 mg
L-Valine 156 mg 50 mg
L-Isoleucine 47 mg 15 mg

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Blueberry Almond Crisp (Myrtille et Amande)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1581 (375) 1068 (254)
Fat 8.3 g 5.6 g
- of which saturated fat 1 g 0.7 g
Carbohydrate 55 g 37 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.65 g 0.44 g
Phosporus 270 mg (39% NRV*) 184 mg (26% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Blueberry Almond Crisp (Myrtille et Amande)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1581 (375) 1068 (254)
Fat 8.3 g 5.6 g
- of which saturated fat 1 g 0.7 g
Carbohydrate 55 g 37 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.65 g 0.44 g
Phosporus 270 mg (39% NRV*) 184 mg (26% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Blueberry Almond Crisp (Myrtille et Amande)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1581 (375) 1068 (254)
Fat 8.3 g 5.6 g
- of which saturated fat 1 g 0.7 g
Carbohydrate 55 g 37 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.65 g 0.44 g
Phosporus 270 mg (39% NRV*) 184 mg (26% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Blueberry Almond Crisp (Myrtille et Amande)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1581 (375) 1068 (254)
Fat 8.3 g 5.6 g
- of which saturated fat 1 g 0.7 g
Carbohydrate 55 g 37 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.65 g 0.44 g
Phosporus 270 mg (39% NRV*) 184 mg (26% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

MAURTEN Solid 160 Energy Bar - Saveur - Basic

Ingrédients :

Fructose-Glucose Syrup, Gluten Free Oats, Maltodextrin, Rice Flour, Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Glucose Syrup, Rice Bran, Salt, Emulsifier (Lecithin), Rice Extract.

Additives: Emulsifier (Lecithin) (E322) from Sunflower.

May contain traces of: Milk / Soy / Gluten / Nuts / Peanuts / Sesame.

Tableau nutritionnel :

The nutritional informations refer to 100g / 55 g bar

Energy kJ (kcal) 1,555 (368) / 855 (202)
Fat 6.0 g / 3 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 0.9 g / 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 72.7 g / 40 g
- of which sugars 31.3 g / 17.2 g
Dietary fibre 3.0 g / 1.7 g
Protein 4.3 g / 2.3 g
Salt 1.10 g / 0.61 g

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Caramel Macchiato (Café au caramel) - 2x caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), flavor, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), herbs (extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile extract of ginger), citric acid, antioxidants (natural vitamin e and C), calcium carbonate, sea salt, thickener (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate)

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 21,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 469,0 mg 150,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

Amino Acids (BCAA): 1406 mg / 100g | 450 mg / serving

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance (Nutrition Reference Value)

Caféine : 40 mg / 32 g (1 sachet) | 125 mg / 100 g
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink - Saveur - Orange

Ingrédients : Sucrose, maltodextrin, dextrose, mineral mixture (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, magnesium citrate), acidifying agent (citric acid), flavoring, coloring (beta carotene), beetroot powder.

May contain traces of milk protein.
Tableau nutritionnel :
Typical nutritional values per 100 g
Energy 1565 kJ (368 kcal)
Fat 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrates 87 g
- of which sugars 60 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 1,5 g
Minerals per 100 g
Magnesium 100 mg (27 %)*
Potassium 535 mg (27 %)*

* nutrient reference values

Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink - Saveur - Orange

Ingrédients :

Water, dextrose (26.5%), invert sugar syrup (23%), acidifier (citric acid), flavor, antioxidant (ascorbic acid), stabilizer (pectin), niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, riboflavin, thiamin.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Typical nutritional values per 100 ml
Energy 844 kJ (199 kcal)
Fat 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrates 49 g
- of which sugars 49 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0 g
Vitamins per 100 ml
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 0.3 mg (30 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.5 mg (36 % NRV*)
Niacine 6.1 mg (38 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6 0.7 mg (48 % NRV*)

* NRV = nutrient reference values

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Saveur - Banane et Noisette

Ingrédients :

Oat flakes* (31%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, banana flakes* (13%), hazelnuts* (9%), hazelnut pulp* (6%).
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, almonds, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Tableau nutritionnel :


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1667 (397) 668 (159)
Fat 13 g 5.2 g
- of which saturates 1.3 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 59 g 24 g
- of which sugars 32 g 13 g
Protein 8.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Saveur - Banane et Noisette

Ingrédients :

Oat flakes* (31%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, banana flakes* (13%), hazelnuts* (9%), hazelnut pulp* (6%).
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, almonds, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Tableau nutritionnel :


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1667 (397) 668 (159)
Fat 13 g 5.2 g
- of which saturates 1.3 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 59 g 24 g
- of which sugars 32 g 13 g
Protein 8.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Crunchy Peanut Butter (Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt.


May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1624 (386) 1112 (265)
Fat 11 g 7.8 g
- of which saturated fat 1.8 g 1.2 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 35 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.6 g 5.2 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.57 g
Phosporus 257 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Crunchy Peanut Butter (Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt.


May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1624 (386) 1112 (265)
Fat 11 g 7.8 g
- of which saturated fat 1.8 g 1.2 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 35 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.6 g 5.2 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.57 g
Phosporus 257 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Crunchy Peanut Butter (Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt.


May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1624 (386) 1112 (265)
Fat 11 g 7.8 g
- of which saturated fat 1.8 g 1.2 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 35 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.6 g 5.2 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.57 g
Phosporus 257 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Crunchy Peanut Butter (Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt.


May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1624 (386) 1112 (265)
Fat 11 g 7.8 g
- of which saturated fat 1.8 g 1.2 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 35 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.6 g 5.2 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.57 g
Phosporus 257 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

MAURTEN Solid 160 Energy Bar - Saveur - Cacao

Ingrédients :

Gluten-free oats, fructose-glucose syrup, maltodextrin, sugar, rice flour, sunflower oil, fat-reduced cocoa, rice bran, salt, emulsifier (lecithin), rice extract.

Additives: Emulsifier (lecithin) (E322) from sunflower.

May contain traces of: milk / soy / gluten / nuts / peanuts / sesame.

Tableau nutritionnel :

The nutritional informations refer to 100g / 55 g bar

Energy kJ (kcal) 1,568 (371) / 862 (204)
Fat 5.9 g / 3.2 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 1.1 g / 0.6 g
Carbohydrates 72.7 g / 40 g
- of which sugars 34.8 g / 19.1 g
Dietary fibre 4 g / 2.2 g
Protein 4.8 g / 2.6 g
Salt 1.12 g / 0.62 g

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut (Chocolat blanc et Macadamia)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1628 (387) 1117 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.5 g
- of which saturated fat 2.1 g 1.4 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.4 g 5 g
Protein 14 g 9.8 g
Salt 0.86 g 0.58 g
Phosporus 241 mg (34% NRV*) 164 mg (23% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut (Chocolat blanc et Macadamia)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1628 (387) 1117 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.5 g
- of which saturated fat 2.1 g 1.4 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.4 g 5 g
Protein 14 g 9.8 g
Salt 0.86 g 0.58 g
Phosporus 241 mg (34% NRV*) 164 mg (23% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut (Chocolat blanc et Macadamia)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1628 (387) 1117 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.5 g
- of which saturated fat 2.1 g 1.4 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.4 g 5 g
Protein 14 g 9.8 g
Salt 0.86 g 0.58 g
Phosporus 241 mg (34% NRV*) 164 mg (23% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut (Chocolat blanc et Macadamia)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1628 (387) 1117 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.5 g
- of which saturated fat 2.1 g 1.4 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 25 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.4 g 5 g
Protein 14 g 9.8 g
Salt 0.86 g 0.58 g
Phosporus 241 mg (34% NRV*) 164 mg (23% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink - Saveur - Groseille noire

Ingrédients :

Water, dextrose (25.6%), invert sugar syrup (22.5%), acidifier (citric acid), natural flavor.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Typical nutritional values per 100 ml
Energy 685 kJ (161 kcal)
Fat 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrates 40 g
- of which sugars 40 g
- of which Dextrose 30.8 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0.0 g

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Cola Me Happy - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acid (L-leucine), flavourings, citric acid, acidity regulators (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), Colouring agent (fruit and vegetable juice), calcium carbonate, amino acid (L-valine), sea salt, thickener (gellan gum), amino acid (L-isoleucine), medium-chain triglycerides, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate). 

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (325 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
- which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
- which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 469 mg 150 mg
Minerals per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Amino acids (BCAA) per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1203 mg 385 mg
L-Valine 156 mg 50 mg
L-Isoleucine 47 mg 15 mg


Caféine : 40 mg / 32 g (1 sachet) | 125 mg / 100 g
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Almond Fudge (Chocolat et Amandes)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1646 (392) 1118 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.4 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 53 g 36 g
- of which sugars 23 g 16 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.53 g 0.36 g
Phosporus 285 mg (41% NRV*) 194 mg (28% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Almond Fudge (Chocolat et Amandes)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1646 (392) 1118 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.4 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 53 g 36 g
- of which sugars 23 g 16 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.53 g 0.36 g
Phosporus 285 mg (41% NRV*) 194 mg (28% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Almond Fudge (Chocolat et Amandes)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1646 (392) 1118 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.4 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 53 g 36 g
- of which sugars 23 g 16 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.53 g 0.36 g
Phosporus 285 mg (41% NRV*) 194 mg (28% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Almond Fudge (Chocolat et Amandes)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts.


May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1646 (392) 1118 (266)
Fat 11 g 7.4 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 53 g 36 g
- of which sugars 23 g 16 g
Dietary fibre 8 g 5.4 g
Protein 16 g 11 g
Salt 0.53 g 0.36 g
Phosporus 285 mg (41% NRV*) 194 mg (28% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Chip (Pépites de Chocolat)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*.

May contain peanuts, nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1604 (381) 1085 (258)
Fat 9 g 6.1 g
- of which saturated fat 2.7 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 56 g 38 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.9 g 5.4 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.48 g 0.33 g
Phosporus 258 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Chip (Pépites de Chocolat)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*.

May contain peanuts, nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1604 (381) 1085 (258)
Fat 9 g 6.1 g
- of which saturated fat 2.7 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 56 g 38 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.9 g 5.4 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.48 g 0.33 g
Phosporus 258 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Chip (Pépites de Chocolat)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*.

May contain peanuts, nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1604 (381) 1085 (258)
Fat 9 g 6.1 g
- of which saturated fat 2.7 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 56 g 38 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.9 g 5.4 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.48 g 0.33 g
Phosporus 258 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Chocolate Chip (Pépites de Chocolat)

Ingrédients :

Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*.

May contain peanuts, nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1604 (381) 1085 (258)
Fat 9 g 6.1 g
- of which saturated fat 2.7 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 56 g 38 g
- of which sugars 26 g 17 g
Dietary fibre 7.9 g 5.4 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.48 g 0.33 g
Phosporus 258 mg (37% NRV*) 175 mg (25% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Peanut Butter Banana (Banane et Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.
Vitamins & Minerals: calcium salts of othophosphoric acid, magnesium oxide, L-acorbic acid (vitamin C), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), beta-carotene (vitamin A), nicotinamide (niacin), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), ergocalciferol (vitamin D), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).


May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1630 (388) 1104 (262)
Fat 11 g 7.3 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 31 g 21 g
Dietary fibre 6.3 g 4.3 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.96 g 0.66 g
Vitamin A 441 μg (55% NRV*) 300 μg (38% NRV*)
Vitamin D 1.47 μg (29% NRV*) 1 μg (20% NRV*)
Vitamin E 4 mg (33% NRV*) 2.7 mg (23% NRV*)
Vitamin C 44.1 mg (55% NRV*) 30 mg (38% NRV*)
Thiamine 0.24 mg (22% NRV*) 0.16 mg (15% NRV*)
Riboflavine 0.38 mg (27% NRV*) 0.26 mg (19% NRV*)
Niacine 4.41 mg (28% NRV*) 3 mg (19% NRV*)
Vitamin B6 0.59 mg (42% NRV*) 0.4 mg (29% NRV*)
Vitamin B12 1.47 μg (59% NRV*) 1 μg (40% NRV*)
Calcium 282 mg (35% NRV*) 192 mg (24% NRV*)
Magnesium 144 mg (38% NRV*) 97.7 mg (24% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Peanut Butter Banana (Banane et Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.
Vitamins & Minerals: calcium salts of othophosphoric acid, magnesium oxide, L-acorbic acid (vitamin C), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), beta-carotene (vitamin A), nicotinamide (niacin), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), ergocalciferol (vitamin D), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).


May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1630 (388) 1104 (262)
Fat 11 g 7.3 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 31 g 21 g
Dietary fibre 6.3 g 4.3 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.96 g 0.66 g
Vitamin A 441 μg (55% NRV*) 300 μg (38% NRV*)
Vitamin D 1.47 μg (29% NRV*) 1 μg (20% NRV*)
Vitamin E 4 mg (33% NRV*) 2.7 mg (23% NRV*)
Vitamin C 44.1 mg (55% NRV*) 30 mg (38% NRV*)
Thiamine 0.24 mg (22% NRV*) 0.16 mg (15% NRV*)
Riboflavine 0.38 mg (27% NRV*) 0.26 mg (19% NRV*)
Niacine 4.41 mg (28% NRV*) 3 mg (19% NRV*)
Vitamin B6 0.59 mg (42% NRV*) 0.4 mg (29% NRV*)
Vitamin B12 1.47 μg (59% NRV*) 1 μg (40% NRV*)
Calcium 282 mg (35% NRV*) 192 mg (24% NRV*)
Magnesium 144 mg (38% NRV*) 97.7 mg (24% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Peanut Butter Banana (Banane et Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.
Vitamins & Minerals: calcium salts of othophosphoric acid, magnesium oxide, L-acorbic acid (vitamin C), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), beta-carotene (vitamin A), nicotinamide (niacin), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), ergocalciferol (vitamin D), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).


May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1630 (388) 1104 (262)
Fat 11 g 7.3 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 31 g 21 g
Dietary fibre 6.3 g 4.3 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.96 g 0.66 g
Vitamin A 441 μg (55% NRV*) 300 μg (38% NRV*)
Vitamin D 1.47 μg (29% NRV*) 1 μg (20% NRV*)
Vitamin E 4 mg (33% NRV*) 2.7 mg (23% NRV*)
Vitamin C 44.1 mg (55% NRV*) 30 mg (38% NRV*)
Thiamine 0.24 mg (22% NRV*) 0.16 mg (15% NRV*)
Riboflavine 0.38 mg (27% NRV*) 0.26 mg (19% NRV*)
Niacine 4.41 mg (28% NRV*) 3 mg (19% NRV*)
Vitamin B6 0.59 mg (42% NRV*) 0.4 mg (29% NRV*)
Vitamin B12 1.47 μg (59% NRV*) 1 μg (40% NRV*)
Calcium 282 mg (35% NRV*) 192 mg (24% NRV*)
Magnesium 144 mg (38% NRV*) 97.7 mg (24% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Clif Bar Energy Bar - Saveur - Peanut Butter Banana (Banane et Beurre de Cacahuète)

Ingrédients :

Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols.
Vitamins & Minerals: calcium salts of othophosphoric acid, magnesium oxide, L-acorbic acid (vitamin C), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), beta-carotene (vitamin A), nicotinamide (niacin), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), ergocalciferol (vitamin D), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).


May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat.

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (68g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1630 (388) 1104 (262)
Fat 11 g 7.3 g
- of which saturated fat 2.6 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrate 54 g 37 g
- of which sugars 31 g 21 g
Dietary fibre 6.3 g 4.3 g
Protein 15 g 10 g
Salt 0.96 g 0.66 g
Vitamin A 441 μg (55% NRV*) 300 μg (38% NRV*)
Vitamin D 1.47 μg (29% NRV*) 1 μg (20% NRV*)
Vitamin E 4 mg (33% NRV*) 2.7 mg (23% NRV*)
Vitamin C 44.1 mg (55% NRV*) 30 mg (38% NRV*)
Thiamine 0.24 mg (22% NRV*) 0.16 mg (15% NRV*)
Riboflavine 0.38 mg (27% NRV*) 0.26 mg (19% NRV*)
Niacine 4.41 mg (28% NRV*) 3 mg (19% NRV*)
Vitamin B6 0.59 mg (42% NRV*) 0.4 mg (29% NRV*)
Vitamin B12 1.47 μg (59% NRV*) 1 μg (40% NRV*)
Calcium 282 mg (35% NRV*) 192 mg (24% NRV*)
Magnesium 144 mg (38% NRV*) 97.7 mg (24% NRV*)

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Raspberry Lemonade (Limonade à la Framboise) - sans caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, L-leucine, natural flavors, citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, L-valine, sea salt, thickener (gellan gum), L-isoleucine, medium-chain triglycerides, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, fruit and vegetable juice (as colorant).

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1,306 kJ (325 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0.0 g 0.0 g
- which saturates 0.0 g 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 72.0 g 23.0 g
- which sugars 22.0 g 7.0 g
Protein 0.0 g 0.0 g
Salt 172 mg 55 mg
Minerals & Vitamins per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calcium 62.5 mg 20.0 mg
Potassium 125.0 mg 40.0 mg
Vitamin C 125.0 mg 40.0 mg
Vitamin E 31.0 mg 10.0 mg
Amino acids (BCAA) per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1,172.0 mg 375.0 mg
L-Valine 156.0 mg 50.0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47.0 mg 15.0 mg


GU Energy Gel - Saveur - Salted Watermelon (Pastèque - Salé) - avec caféine

Ingrédients :

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, leucine, sea salt, citric acid, natural flavor, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, calcium carbonate, valine, green tea extract (leaf) (contains caffeine), gellan gum, isoleucine, sunflower oil, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative).

Tableau nutritionnel :
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 72,0 g 23,0 g
which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 977,0 mg 313,0 mg
Amino acids per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1203 mg 385 mg
L-Valine 156 mg 50 mg
L-Isoleucine 47 mg 15 mg
Caféine : 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Teneur accrue en caféine. Non recommandé pour les enfants et les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes !